Friday, February 29, 2008

STD's and Morality

Many people seem to be under the impression that only poor, or low class people get an STD. That simply is not the case. Anyone can get an STD. Even having protected sex does not protect a person 100% against transmitting or contracting an STD. Many people who have an STD are completely unaware. Women often do not have any symptoms of an STD.

Women and men of every class and color can contract an STD if they are engaging in intercourse. Even royalty has not been able to escape Sexually Transmitted Diseases. King Henry VIII is thought to have had Syphilis. The deterioration of his major organs, including his brain, is thought to have driven him mad and contributed to the decapitation of several of his wives. It is interesting to think that his inability to produce a male heir because of the STD also influenced the split between the Catholic Church and the Church of England.

Wow, maybe anyone can contract an STD. If the King of England can contract an STD, maybe it is not just the poor and sexually loose people who catch an STD.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Women and Children

It seems averyone in society thinks that if you are female, then you automatically want to have children. If a man says that he doesn't want children he is not looked at as being less of a man, but if a woman says it then we think there is something wrong with her. Maybe she is a lesbian, or she is just strange. Either way a woman is expected to want children. Parents and Grandparents put far more pressure on females to have children and carry on the family name. Men simply do not share the same responsibility or receive the same pressure from society.

I spoke with a friend the other day about how she feels about having children. She has decided to adopt a child from China instead of having her own biological child. Her friends and family have been extremely unsupportive of her decision. Her friends don't understand why she would not want to have a child of her own. She wants to give a child that never had a chance a loving home. I respect that far more than a woman that would give into peer pressure just to go with the flow of society.

I have also had to deal with some pressure from family and friends. I have decided to wait to have children until I have completed my degree. Most people are understanding, but a few people seem to think I am wasting my time with an education.

I am not telling anyone what is is right or wrong, I just want women and men to have the choice to do what is right for them.